Harnessing Google's AdWords and Analytics | Spring Web Solutions

Harnessing Google’s AdWords and Analytics

Google Analytics is a web service that provides statistics and basic analytical tools for marketing purposes, and can be integrated with AdWords.

Together, both AdWords and Analytics provide important information, although independently – they don’t provide the full picture. This outlines the importance of linking the two measurement tools; to help you get the most out of your advertising.

The underlying benefit of this link is that it presents powerful information to show where you should be spending your money, based on return on investment data.

Additionally, there are plenty of other features that make this relationship so formidable.

Firstly, you can import analytics metrics into your AdWords account. This allows you to see Bounce Rate, Average Visit Duration, Pages Per Visit & Percentage of New Visits on your AdWords Campaigns.

Additionally, you can easily import your analytics goals and e-commerce transactions into AdWords conversion tracking. This allows you to make more informed refinements to your campaign, without having to leave your AdWords account.

Continuing on from the previous blog on The Benefits of Pay-Per-Click Advertising, we look at the link between Google AdWords and Google Analytics.

Furthermore, it enables you to make informed business decisions. For instance, in the AdWords reports inside Google Analytics, you can view onsite engagement metrics such as bounce rate, pages per visit & average visit duration for each of your AdWords Campaigns, Ad Groups, and Keywords. The benefit of this is that it allows you to understand whether your AdWords practices are driving the right type of traffic to your website.

At Spring Web Solutions, we use AdWords to place our clients products/services in the public eye. Combined with this, we use Analytics to report how these visitors are engaging or not engaging with our clients content. Ultimately, this is how we use this link to benefit our clients.